Password Strength Checker

Password Strength Checker analyze your password's length, complexity, and randomness to determine its resistance to brute-force attacks.

  • Lowercase Letters
  • Uppercase Letters
  • Number (0-9)
  • Special Character (!@#$%^&*)
  • Atleast 8 Character

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How Password Strength Checkers Work

Password strength checkers analyze passwords by checking for:

  1. Length: Longer passwords are generally more secure. A typical recommendation is at least 12-16 characters.
  2. Character Variety:
    • Inclusion of uppercase letters (A-Z).
    • Inclusion of lowercase letters (a-z).
    • Inclusion of numbers (0-9).
    • Inclusion of special characters (e.g., @, #, $, %).
  3. Predictability:
    • Checks for dictionary words (e.g., "password").
    • Identifies common patterns (e.g., "123456," "qwerty").
    • Flags repeated characters (e.g., "aaaaaa").
  4. Uniqueness:
    • Verifies if the password has been involved in known breaches using databases.
  5. Entropy: Measures the randomness of the password, which reflects how many guesses it would take to crack it.

Password Strength Levels

Checkers often categorize passwords into levels:

  1. Weak: Easy to guess or hack (e.g., "12345").
  2. Moderate: Better than weak but still not secure enough (e.g., "Password1").
  3. Strong: Harder to crack, includes varied characters and length (e.g., "P@ssw0rd!23").
  4. Very Strong: Highly resistant to attacks (e.g., "#Xf7P1q@z3h$T").

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